The market share of Chinese brand passenger cars kept growth

In July, the total sales of Chinese brand passenger cars reached 499,200 units, up 5.1% year on year, accounting for 39% of the total sales of passenger cars. The market share increased 4.3 percentage points than the previous year. To be specific, the sales of Chinese brand cars were 125,800 units, down 16.9% year on year, accounting for 18.3% of the total sales of cars, with an increase of 0.6 percentage points on market share. The sales of Chinese brand SUV enjoyed growth in sales volume and market share. The sales reached 199,100 units, up 54.7% year on year, accounting for 50.7% of the total sales of SUV. The market share increased 6.7 percentage points than the previous year. While the sales of Chinese brand MPV reached 95,000 units, down 5.8% year on year, accounting for 84.4% of the total sales of MPV, with a decrease of 0.5 percentage points on market share.
        As for the first seven months, the accumulated sales of Chinese brand passenger cars reached 4,678,800 units, up 13.6% year on year. The market share increased 3.7 percentage points than the previous year, reaching 41.2%. To be specific, the sales of Chinese brand cars were 1,369,200 units, down 9.9% year on year, with a decrease of 0.5 percentage points on market share, reaching 21.1%. On the contrary, the sales of Chinese brand SUV and MPV both enjoyed growth in sales volume and market share. The sales reached 1,616,800 units and 990,200 units respectively, up 87.1% and 16.3% year on year. Their market shares increased 12.1 percentage points and 2.6 percentage points, reaching 52.9% and 87.7% respectively.
