CAAM Organized Its Employees to Visit Enterprises
2013/11/05   From:CAAM

To enhance mutual understanding between association and enterprises and strengthen knowledge on automotive engineering and new energy vehicles, CAAM organized its employees to carry out a-day visit. Led by the Executive Vice Chairman and Secretary General Mr. Dong Yang, near 60 employees attended this activity to visit Beijing proving ground and BAIC New Energy Company, including employees from the Secretariat, Institute of Scientific and Economic Information and Auto Review Magazine.
        The Secretary of Research Institute of Highway of Ministry of Transport Mr. Li and the Director of the proving ground Mr. Yang Ruifeng respectively introduced the basic situation, building size and experimental ability of the proving ground. They also displayed their propaganda film to help understand. Accompanied by them, the employees of CAAM visited the whole proving ground by bus.

Group Photo of CAAM and Leaders of Proving Ground

Mr. Dong Yang made a speech

Welcomed by the Executive Director Mr. Lin Yi, the employees also visited BAIC New Energy Company. Their Deputy Director of Development and Planning Department Mr. Si Hai firstly introduced their construction, R&D and 12th Five-Year plan. Then, the General Manager Mr. Fang Qing shared their experiences and problems on developing and popularizing new energy vehicles. The Executive Vice Chairman of CMIF Mr. Zhao Chi also participated in this investigation. He pointed out that the upcoming transformation and upgrading meeting would focus on new energy vehicles. CAAM and CMIF would regard new energy as their key recommendation and discussed how to make new energy vehicles bigger and stronger with enterprises on that meeting.

Visit BAIC New Energy Company

After communication, the employees visited the exhibition hall and assembly shop as well as experienced test drive.
        The Deputy Secretary General of CAAM Ms. Liu Xiaomiao also attended this activity.
