Executive Vice Chairman and Secretary General Mr. Dong Yang Attended 2014 OICA General Assembly
2014/11/04   From:CAAM

On Oct. 22nd to 24th, the Executive Vice Chairman and Secretary General Mr. Dong Yang and the Deputy Secretary General Mr. Shi Jianhua went to Seoul to attend OICA council, Round Table and General Assembly.

OICA General Assembly

OICA is the only international organization and representative of global auto industry, which is composed of national auto associations with members covering all major auto manufacturing countries. Its primary missions include publishing data of global auto sales and production, number of vehicle in use, and Google maps, studying on common issues, participating in implementation of technical regulations under UN WP29, enhancing global standard harmonizing progress, promoting technical innovation as well as organizing auto exhibition certification. 

OICA Round Table

OICA Round Table was always a highlight in the past years. On it, representatives of all major auto manufacturing countries would make presentations to introduce latest tendency in accordance with given topics. This year, two subjects were settled, which were overall market situation and development of green cars. On behalf of CAAM, Mr. Dong Yang introduced the current situation of Chinese auto market and new energy vehicles as well as predicted the whole year trend. In addition, representatives from Alliance, VDA, CCFA, JAMA, KAMA, ANFIA, SIAM and OAR introduced green cars in their own country respectively. AECA was also invited to inform the whole situation of European auto industry.

Mr. Dong Yang made presentations on Round Table

After meetings, KAMA, organizer of this Assembly, arranged a factory tour to visit Hyundai Asan Plant and Samsung Digital City.
        As a Vice Chairman Unit and permanent member, CAAM attended all the major activities organized by OICA in recent years to build relations with other members in the fields of data exchange, standards and regulations.
        The International Cooperation Department Ms. Liu Zheng accompanied to attend this meeting.
